Books Published by Ute Hélène Von Reibnitz

There is always an alternative

Discover and Shape Your Personal And Professional Future

This book will change your life!

This is the first comprehensive guide on how to shape your personal and professional future either at the beginning of your studies, your career, in the middle of your life, before you become self-employed, and approaching retirement.
A well-proven foresight approach, the Scenario Method offers a concrete support on how to deal constructively and positively with future changes and how to plot your successful path into the future.

In whatever stage of your life it is always indispensable to anticipate your life in all alternatives, and to fix concrete goals. Either there are changes you want to make or there are changes imposed by your environment: in any case it is always important to think ahead and to develop alternatives.
This book is a practical manual on how to shape your future. In order to make it easy to understand how to run this process, the book explains the steps in 4 case studies: a student, a manager in midlife crisis, an entrepreneur, a banker approaching retirement. These examples can easily be used by the readers as an inspiration for their own development.

ISBN 978-3-8391-7227-8
152 pages
You can order this book for 15 € + shipping costs or order a pdf of the book for 15 € only via the form below.

Scenario Techniques

Description for Scenario Techniques

Scenario-Techniques is a widely used planning tool for foresight and prospective issues. This tool helps you to develop alternative futures for any kind of organisation, either private or public and for any kind of sector or business line. An important step is also to derive consequences from the scenarios to your organisation.

The book describes how the process works in all eight steps: Task Analysis, Influence analysis, Projections, Consistency Analysis, Scenario Interpretation, Consequence Analysis, Wild Card Analysis and Scenario Transfer.

The book shows you in detail how to deal with certain planning problems and what requirements you have to put in place in order to use Scenario –Techniques effienciently. You are guided through 3 case studies: Management of the future, car industry and a retail company. The author has carried out projects related to each of these subjects and the planning problems have actually been solved with Scenario-Techniques.

This book should have its place on the shelves of all planners responsible for the future of their organisations.

ISBN 3-89028-220-2
238 pages
You can order this book only via this website for 15 € + shipping costs

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